My son works for START, the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism. He helps with organizing data on the targets of terrorist attacks around the world. I would get a daily report from him of where and how many attacks happened that day or that month in different countries. I thought being Israeli and used to that data would not bother me at all. But hearing the dry information of a country and number of attacks again and again did take a toll after a while. I asked him if it affected him and in what way. He said it humbled him and made him grateful for living in the US. We think we have...
In the past month I visited a few of our designers at their home towns and studios. Meeting them personally gives a new angle to our relationship and a reason to continue and develop our work together and sometimes a reason to stop. I learn about their morals and work ethics from close and they learn about me. This month I met : Chiara (Italy) from Chiara Cocol, Hagar (Israel) from Alembika and Alexandra (Greece) from Ozai N Ku. All 3 are mirrors to their collections and a confirmation for me that what you see is who they are: Chiara is light and humorous. Colorful and interesting. Hagar is witty and passionate about women and clothes in a way I...
My good friend told me yesterday a story which made me think.... His mother didn't feel right in the middle of the night and felt she needed to get to the hospital right away. She lives on her own so she called an Ambulance and gave them her son's cell phone number to call. He did not get the call or who knows what happened, so he never showed up. She spent the night in the ER by herself. She is back home now and feeling much better. Who will I call when I am in need? I made a list of 5 people who I know will come immediately, no questions asked. Do you have 5 people to call...
More and more we hear about aging parents that many of you are busy taking care of. It is frustrating at times and mainly painful and exhausting. I want to share a tip my group of volunteers got a few years ago from a very smart social worker. She said that if a family can afford to pay for the physical care, she urges everyone to do so. The bathing, dressing, preparing the bed and caring physically will be covered so the care giver can be free to give the emotional support the patient needs the most. When we act out of guilt things get messy. We feel we are the ones that need to do everything so the cared...
I took a week vacation in Venice with my sister. We were there to visit the Venice Biennale art project which hosts 80 artists from 80 countries under one curation, a city wide art exhibition. There is something magnificent to experience art on a city level. The whole city is taking part in this project. We saw art on the streets, in churches, museums, galleries and in buildings. The Venice Biennale theme this year was "May we live in interesting times" . I like that title! Interesting times keep me hopeful and curious. The artists discussed a wide range of topics including immigration, gender, water, weather, death, separations, loss, borders, sex, tradition and rituals, thirst and hunger, displacement, disasters, unheard...