The Roni Rabl Blog — thought of the week RSS

Thought of the week - Rami

Many of you might know Rami.  He owns Ramini, the best Cafe in midtown. He has the best pastries, all homemade, which you may have tasted at Studio Atelier. He is my first stop every morning for years now. I consider him family. Like a big brother. Rami is an Arab, Muslim, and Israeli. He was born in Israel, in the village of Manda in the north of the country.I asked him last week about his family and how he was doing these days. We were having an unprecedented wave of violence between Arabs and Jews inside Israel. His family has lived in Israel for generations. Israel is home for him, but does it feel like home?He said he didn't like and...

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Thought of the week - September in NYC

We are ready to open our new showroom and welcome you all in September to come and view our Spring collections for 2022, talk about immediate goods, and get together again. When - September 13th through the 24th. Where - 247 W 37th St. (btwn 7th and 8th ave) - 3 blocks from Javits   The showroom will be open both weeks, daily, for appointments along with weekend appointments available for the 18th and 19th.   We will be showing: Alembika, Ozai N Ku and JNBY.   If you are planning to come to the city, let's make a date!   Happy Monday, Yael

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Thought of the Week - Memorial Day

We were under attack these past 18 months while our soldiers in the hospitals that we know as doctors, nurses, and aids put their lives on the line to fight an invisible enemy that was attacking our freedoms to live, to hug, to be healthy. ⁠These basic human rights were in danger.  ⁠⁠As the Godmother to a beautiful little girl whose parents are both doctors that fought this battle. It was very personal to me.  ⁠⁠So this Memorial Day, I would like to honor our military but also the other soldiers, the ones that fought a battle in ER wards across the globe to give us the weekend we are allowed today. ⁠⁠Take a break this weekend and a long...

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Thought of the week - Marketing Material for Spring 2020

Dear friends, We are starting to ship Spring goods this coming month and I want to make sure you are all equipped with marketing tools. We have great images to share with you for each brand we ship. They are for you, so please use ! You only need to email me back and tell me what brands you are interested in : Alembika, here Chiara Cocol, here Kediorzek here Ozai N Ku here Two Danes here Grizas, here We will send you a Google drive link to those photos. I wish you all a very strong season. Good fashion can only help in times of uncertainty. We are certain about these brands. Happy Monday, Yael

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Thought of the week - Regret

I don't like to feel regret. It is the worst feeling and there is nothing I can do about it. I tend to just suppress these feelings, ignore them and try to bury them but we all know this is not a good system. I visit a hospice patient every Wednesday after work and last week, I came up with a solution as I listened to him. He is a brilliant 88 year-old man suffering from Parkinson's. I always enjoy our conversations and always learn a lot from him. But he does have that tendency to always welcome me with everything that went wrong and all the things he regrets he didn't do or had to do or wished he...

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