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Wonder Woman

By Roni Rabl Not even girls want to be girls so long as the feminine archetype lacks force, strength & power. "Not wanting to be girls" means they don’t want to be tender, submissive, peace loving as good women are meant to be. Women’s strong qualities have become despised because of their weakness. The obvious remedy was to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman, plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman. Wonder Woman is another step toward the liberation of women from the all too well known stereotype. Angelina Jolie and Uma Thurman, especially in Kill Bill, were a definite product of this Feminist Revolution. The comics Industry was predominantly the arena of...

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A view point on Structure

By Roni Rabl When using the word Structure one imagines architecture; houses come to mind. In women's fashion we had men's suits and wide shoulder pads defining structure in styling women's clothes. Art Point The new wave of Cutting Edge designing & styling for women goes one step forward. No more imitating menswear. The major change is in the viewpoint that Style is more character & attitude than mere fashion. As Lena Kvadrat from Art Point says: "Women are stronger today, socially and economically. They wish to enhance their position in society also via garments without loosing the Erotic appeal." Lena is adamant against using the word Sexy. She stamps her foot and says: Erotic is not Sexy. Art Point...

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Start where you are

By Yael Edelist I like the Buddhist approach of one can always start over. As Pema Chodron says: "Start where you are". It gives us such freedoms and opportunities. No matter who you are and how old you are, you can always make a fresh start. So good to remember on a Monday, especially after Easter, the symbol of rebirth. Starting a new day, I might have new approaches and new attitudes. I can make a new beginning. It's a wonderful independence...

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The retailer's To Do List For Success!

By Yael Edelist Here it is! Your full Fashion Retail To Do list! I like to have a check list on the important things I have to cover today or this week. So many things to remember and they are all important. So the attached is the list we put together for us and for our retail community. Things we think every store has to have or cover: The list is for you to print and use as an aid in your daily business. If we missed anything, please add it and pass it along! TO DO LIST FOR SUCCESS - click the link here for the checklist.

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Thought of Week - Hurrah for social media!

As many of you know, the Roni Rabl team stands strongly behind the benefits of social media. An online presence in today's business world and in the future is no longer considered an option but rather, a necessity. This week, I decided to share some facebook images we have loved over the weeks and months that belonged to our stores. Hope this adds inspiration for you! We will continue to share our favorite posts of the day on facebook so follow along and see who makes us smile!

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