The Roni Rabl Blog — thought of the week RSS

Thought of the Week - How do you price goods?

Talking to many of you this past season I realized that there are different ways you are all pricing your goods. Here is what I learned from working with all of you in the past few years: * Keystone is dead. Nothing should be marked up times 2. * 2.2 is the absolute minimum markup any retailer should use. * Find those accessories that are inexpensive but look great and mark them up high. * Pricing should be "custom" these days, not a standard formula of "one size fits all". Each style should be looked at personally and evaluated. Some can be priced at 2.2 plus $5.00. Some can be priced at 2.5. It makes a big difference in our...

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What else? The Little Black Dress!

Is the LITTLE BLACK DRESS making a comeback? No! It is HERE TO STAY just like High Heals! Vogue editors claims that this DRESS is for a certain type of urban young professional who grew up on a steady diet of Vogue & Sex and the City. Is the new tailor-made design really catering to the Carrie Bradshaw in all of us? If you ask me - I would personally prefer to cater to the Kate Middleton in all of us, now nick-named Kate the Great. Modern day black dress being new & perky, sometimes bold and very, very wearable. The original classic of the little black dress look is, and will always be, Audrey Hepburn's look from the movie...

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Thought of the Week - Confession

I have a confession to make. Actually it's a team confession.'s about SHOPIFY. We started to work on an online store when we introduced the idea to you all through three webinar sessions. We thought it would be easy-peasy and fun. We knew we needed to put some time and labor into it but thought it would be easy to achieve. 4 months into it and I must admit: Setting up an online store is hard work! Setting up, taking photos, putting all channels in place, promote, and then what about sales? It is hard but possible! After the first 40 hours we put into it, we can now invest 1 hour a day to promote. We learned our...

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Thought of the Week - Election Year

We cannot control everything - weather, politics, cyber attacks, global warming, new flavor for Starbucks :) But we can control our approach towards these phenomenons. We can remember that no matter who the next president is, we will still have our business; we will overcome this period of time filled with hesitations, and we can remind our customers and ourselves that this fear everyone is talking about is ONLY in our heads. It is not reality. Everything is and will be OK! We will have a Fall and then Winter and Spring will arrive again as it did 4 years ago. And whether it be Trump or Hillary in the end, we will still need that dress to wear to...

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What's YOUR inspiration?

We are all, in some way, inspired by Art. The world of Fashion especially. In the spirit of this and of Halloween, we played a little dress up in the office. Here are the artists that we love and inspire us! Roni as Frida, Yael as Klimt, Anca as Mondrian, Alin as Van Gogh and Fatima as Dali.... What/ Who inspires you? Happy Monday! Yael The Roni Rabl Crew

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