Resort is Short & Sweet: Travel, Sun, Fun.
Let's prepare ourselves with Top Trends from Alembika.
Here are the 10 Must Haves for your Shopping List.
* Fade - layers, obscuring & blurring color. The new revealed through the old.
* Transparency - sheer joy.
* Natural & Artificial. Bold prints of Flowers in soft & slick fabrics.
* Crispy White with a Twist.
* Soft hues of Silver; textured print creating the perfect Lux-Leisure look.
* Stripes Forever.
* Gems & Gem prints - for upgrading your Cocktail hour.
* Faded & Semi-Transparent.
* Multi-color Striping for Travel & Beach.
* Bold Mesh.
Many people I meet tell me they hope their kids will not be in their business when they grow up. I was wondering about that. How lucky that kids have a parent with a business that he/she can inherit or join if they want. I love my work and my industry. It is hard, challenging at times, with many ups and downs but so rewarding and satisfying. I would like the same for my kids. When we opened our first store, 10 years ago, my daughter was 8. She said : "Why do you only have one store mom? You should open a chain......". I told her that will be for her to do one day, if she would like...
I aspire to be everything my life is.
My anger, my happiness, my jealousy, my pleasures, my fears, my love.
When angry, to be angry, when satisfied, to just be satisfied and when sad to be sad.
Can we be all these things - the good and bad without clinging to any?
Happy Wednesday!
- Yael
Last week, our office had a session with an organizational psychologist. We talked about office life and how it mirrors our family lives and how we each bring our roles from home into the office. For example, how many siblings we each have. Are we the oldest, youngest, middle child? How does this affect us and how do we carry these roles into the workplace every day? I have one sister. I am the little sister, the "baby". The one not asked to do much growing up and the less "responsible " one. It took me years to fill up the "boss" shoes or to feel comfortable running a business as the "baby girl " in me wasn't sure she...
Prevailing rule for Fall 2017 is Diversity! Diversity is also spurred by a political climate: travel bans, intolerance; all these are enforcing diversity in Fashion, promoting tolerance & acceptance. This in turn qualifies the mix of all trends: return to the 80's, ultra modern shiny/puffy rocket launching outfits, fuzzy to cuddle up, Japonica meets countryside, Romance from Berlin in the 40's, from Athleisure to the Color Block mechanical doll, Prints, from Romantic flowers to Retro graphics & calligraphy of ancient scriptures. This sounds confusing but it just seems that each designer finds her/his niche. This brings a Cross-Generation appeal, diffusing age differences & where once a "missy look" was kept for the mature woman only, my granddaughter, at 17 wants...