The Roni Rabl Blog — thought of the week RSS

Thought of The Week - Older, Wiser and Happier

I am 55 today.    The older I get, the happier my birthdays are. I don't necessarily celebrate with parties or big plans, just feeling very happy to still be around. It's a gift to see my kids grow to be independent, it's a gift to have them out of the house and to enjoy my time alone, it's a gift to have my body still functioning well. I don't have the same body as in my 20's but I wouldn’t go back there even if you paid me ;-) I love being wiser, I love to need less with age, and I love to be able to choose who I want to hang out with and to be Ok...

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Thought of The Week - Put Yourself First

We women can do anything. We are often the glue at home and at work. We are the problem solvers, we are the nurturers, we do it all but that does not mean we should do it all.   I've been thinking about self-care and how often we put ourselves on the backburner while we take care of everyone and everything else. It can lead to feeling burnt out and impact our health. We have to care for ourselves like we care for everyone else.    This week, I challenge us all to:  ask for help when we need help get more sleep drink more water care for ourselves by putting our oxygen mask on first Then we save the world...

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Thought of The Week - Obituary

We lost 2 dear friends in the last few months.  Wendy, the owner of Diva in Arizona.Wendy was a very good business woman. It took a few years until I got to know her well. She came across distant when I interacted with her through phone or email but then I met her and her husband at the NY trade shows and had a very good and warm discussion about life and business and during the pandemic she joined a few of our "Power Hour" zoom sessions and I got to know the open and friendly Wendy. We had different political views but it never interfered. We were always respectful to each other.Wendy passed away suddenly from a heart condition she...

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Thought of The Week - Change

Aging helps me with accepting change. When I was younger, I thought I was in charge of what's happening inside me and around me. We are Ok with leaves dying off the trees but when our bodies show signs of change we tend to not accept it and even try to stop it but when our bodies show signs of change we tend to not accept it and even try to stop it. We all have moments where we believe that whatever is happening to others will not happen to us. Spring and Passover remind of change and help me welcome it. Nothing stays the same, the world outside is changing, we are changing, and the only thing we can...

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Thought of the Week - Alembika Women

It is very easy to spot an Alembika woman in a big crowd. She is confident, open and loves the way she looks.It was very heart warming to see the support Hagar received from her fans during Tel Aviv Fashion Week in Israel. I wanted to share some of their photos with you which they were happy to take.  Do you see a similarity to our US Alembika woman? Happy Monday,Yael

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