Thought of The Week - Obituary

We lost 2 dear friends in the last few months.
Wendy, the owner of Diva in Arizona.
Wendy was a very good business woman. It took a few years until I got to know her well. She came across distant when I interacted with her through phone or email but then I met her and her husband at the NY trade shows and had a very good and warm discussion about life and business and during the pandemic she joined a few of our "Power Hour" zoom sessions and I got to know the open and friendly Wendy. 
We had different political views but it never interfered. We were always respectful to each other.
Wendy passed away suddenly from a heart condition she was not aware of. 
She will be missed in our retail community. She was one of very few plus size stores that were still around.
Julian from JuliaEtta's Trunk in OH.
Julian was a one person show. She ran her store by herself, did the buying, unpacking boxes, selling and bookkeeping all by herself and with no email or a computer. She faxed her orders!! She and I always had silly encounters about that. She would call to reorder or to ask a question and I usually don't answer as I am in a zoom meeting or on another call, and when I called her back I teased her about not using her email. I forgot to ask her if she owned a smartphone, my guess was she didn't. Julian would always answer with a kind and soft smile in her voice. She didn't like technology and didn't seem to need it. She loved the retail business and her customers. She worked with them one by one. We just spoke a few days before she passed. She went to sleep and didn't wake up in the morning.
We never met in person but I always felt like I knew her.
Wendy and Julian remind me how temporary we all are on this planet and how much we need to remember it when doing business with each other. 
I will remember them both.

Happy Monday.

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