In the process of clearing some clutter I took out a big drawer full of letters from the past 30 years. Letters I wrote to my mom and sister from my trip to India when I was 20, letters to my father from Thailand and New York, letters from my mother and sister to me, letters from ex boyfriends and girlfriends that I kept, piles and piles of papers.I started to read some. I never like revisiting my younger self. I like to leave her behind with the self critical voice that comes with reading these letters. I put them all into 2 big garbage bags by the door, to take with me to the basement.That afternoon I spoke with...
We lost a dear man this past Saturday. Thich Nhat Hanh, who many call Thay, was a beloved teacher of Zen Buddhism. I have been following his teachings for years. He had a wise and comforting approach to the end of life—he saw us all as one continuous being that never ends; like a cloud that continues to be rain or snow or ice. I like to think that way about our ending as not ending.But the most important thing I learned was about suffering and how to suffer well—that suffering is not scary when you know how to handle it. I learned how not to suppress uncomfortable feelings but rather, to let them surface so I can clearly identify...
This was an interesting, challenging and intense year that ended with COVID very much still in our lives. I tested positive a week ago and my first immediate reactions were: Damn it, who did I see and might have given it to? Shit, I cannot go to work! I noticed I was not fearful as I had my booster 3 weeks earlier. I had a very mild case. If COVID hasn't given us social awareness, then what would? Maybe closing 2021 testing positive with COVID is a good message for me to carry on into 2022, that feeling of "oneness". We are all connected, we all need each other and we need to take care of one another. Wishing you all a...
We closed 18 months of weekly zooms today that started with daily meetings back in March 2020!! Hard to believe it but we even met daily for the first 3 months.
We learned a lot from each other and kept our businesses going through the support of one another and the willingness of a great group of people ready to adapt and change with the times.Thank you for sticking together and for staying in touch.
Reminding you all that you can find all the recordings of the subjects we covered on the Roni Rabl Youtube channel.
Below is a general presentation of everything we talked about.
You are all our heros!
Happy Monday,Yael
We all know what we know. However, how do we know what we don't know?
I want to reflect this month on areas in my business and life I want to improve in and those places I don't know enough about.
What is my weakness?
Where can I do better?
What areas do I need help with?
How do you know what you don't know?
Happy Monday!