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A note from us

Hi everyone, Just wanted to touch base and let everyone know that we are holding all open Spring orders that we have with you. We are not shipping anything at this moment unless you ask. We will contact each and every one of you when we reopen and make a plan according to what you have with us and your specific needs at that time. I do have a feeling that our bouncing back will be gradual and maybe some states will recover earlier than others. So each of you will have different needs and time frames. Let's stay in touch and see. Stay healthy and safe! Yael

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Thought of the week - Corona

Dear Community, This is the first time (ever?) that we are ALL afraid of the same thing!! The moment we are in is surreal yet everything about it is very real. If you die, I die. We all share it across the planet; how powerful is that?! And to see how dramatically I as an individual can make a difference through my actions, blows my mind. Hard to put into words but the feeling is big and quite vulnerable. The default is to self protect when we get scared. I want to choose kindness and openness and see what happens to us all as a whole through this process. On a personal note, it is fun to Zoom with my...

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Marketing material for your online needs - full access

Dear community, As we are all working from home and trying to keep in touch with our customers, we want to help! The below links are of images that are ready to use and easy to work with. Each photo is tagged with the style number so it will be easy for you to find. We have enough variety for all of us to share and use. We are ready with 2 brands: Alembika - for images click here, and here for the videos. Lauren Vidal - images here. Look at your future orders and find your style number in these links. You can pre -sell them to your customers. Show them what's waiting for them or sell them online...

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Thought of the week - Corona and More

Hello dear community. What a crazy time we are in! Let's take a deep breath together and see what adjustments we have to make. Try to stay curious about it all and stay connected! This is the most important thing! Great time to develop rituals! At home, at work, with yourself. I find the hand washing soothing lately. Do it slowly and think about all of us as you do it. Holding hands. We are not alone. In terms of work and business - All orders that we ship starting today until the end of April will get 10% off and no shipping charges. Please use this money to send your customers pick boxes at home so they can continue...

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