Thought of the week - Corona

Dear Community, This is the first time (ever?) that we are ALL afraid of the same thing!! The moment we are in is surreal yet everything about it is very real. If you die, I die. We all share it across the planet; how powerful is that?! And to see how dramatically I as an individual can make a difference through my actions, blows my mind. Hard to put into words but the feeling is big and quite vulnerable.
The default is to self protect when we get scared. I want to choose kindness and openness and see what happens to us all as a whole through this process.
On a personal note, it is fun to Zoom with my family in Israel and London. This week we spoke more then we spoke in the last 5 years:)
And both my kids are back home (23 and 20 years old) which is great and new again..... as I was getting used to my life as an empty nester (and loved it!)
And I hear so many of you are going back to being full time with your partners whom you used to see only a few hours a does that work for you??
Many new things to explore. Mainly ourselves. Could be quite interesting!
Happy Monday small world.
P.S. Last night we sent you links to our marketing material. Some still needed to request access. Here they are again, with no need to log in:
Alembika video
Alembika pics
Lauren vidal here

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