By Roni Rabl
Looking outside it’s hard to believe spring is around the corner, but believe me - in two minutes you’ll be shoving your Lauren Vidal coat back to Storage and start getting ready for Spring! Every time a season starts,many of our customers email me with questions about the coming trends they should put an emphasis on, whether on a rack or on a display window, so to stand out as well as hit the spot with their customers. That’s why I decided to put together a list of Spring Summer 2015 trends, to share with everyone. To make it easier to digest, I split it into 2 posts. I would love to hear from you what your customers were asking for and what they liked most.
So without further ado, here are the main trends for the coming season to help you shape your home and store rack:
The breezy color was seen on most runways. Works well with almost every other color.

All shades of blue play in this story: from Sky and Dove blue in crispy cottons to darker shades of Navy and Nautical blues that play together with white dots and stripes.

The Metalic Look
Shades of steel, cold in look, warm in color, are ones to spot this coming season. This comes in a variety of modern methods of applying those shades to garments: from shiny coated shades implemented onto cotton stretch pants and leggings, to sophisticated techniques of print over yarns and finished knitwear. This is a dazzling new venture into the Gold, Bronze and Silver in a totally new way. None of it screams shine yet it is there and very striking.

Stripes / Dots
Stripes and Nautical looks are always a favorite when it comes to Spring light clothing. This season we have a chance to see an interesting interaction between different patterns, such as dots and stripes. Spring/Summer 2015 is stamped with moving these looks to more colors: dots and circles are in all sizes and color combinations. It is like one big happy party.

Fabric – new adventures! A New era is erupting with three dimensional fabrics. Whereas in the past we had Linen – today we have a wide variety of linens with new textures and mixed content as linen/silk, cotton/silk etc. These sophisticated fabrics provide a jumping board to colors with a new depth so that, for example, blues and teals have deeper shade and luster.
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