My Mum. Quite simply she is an incredibly strong and generous human being. No matter what path I have followed she has always been my staunchest supporter.
Fashion is in my blood, it really is. My great grandparents surnames were Tailor & Glover, and the family owned fabric mills in the north of England. From an early age I always knew I wanted to work with fashion. She was there when I moved to London to study and even more amazingly, when I decided to move to another continent, she did everything to help me.
What never ceases to amaze me is that she has never once, in 47 years, made me feel that I have to do anything just to make her happy….
I believe the fact that she let me go always meant I wanted to come back and share as much with her as I could.
My happiest times are when she comes to visit with me for a month and we just get to be together.
She is my inspiration and I only hope I can be half the woman she is.

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