My mother, Anna, was a seamstress for as long as I can remember and worked out of our home. She was truly an inspiration and a fashion maven. I can remember all of the beautiful dresses, hats and shoes!
She did all of the alterations when I had my first store and was my quality control! Since she made everything from men’s suits to bridal gowns and everything in between, I knew I’d better sell a quality product!
She was also one of my best customers at 84 years old buying the clothing and hi heeled shoes!
I lost her 5 years ago and it still feels like yesterday sometimes. Her influence still whispers in my ear. I will, no doubt, continue to follow in her shoes, representing my own style and wearing hi heels for as long as God blesses me to walk here.
I am forever grateful to her for many things including my love of fashion, style and individuality. To have a career helping women to embrace their individuality and style…I owe much of that to her.
The pictures I have attached are her and I in the same dress. She made it sometime in the 70’s as a gown. She wore it to my wedding in 2001 and I have worn it several times. This picture was last year 2014.

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