The Roni Rabl Blog — wholesale RSS

Roni's Shopping List for 10 Leading Trends - Fall 2017

1. Volume! 2. Color & more Color. 3. Guilded Marie Antoinette w. her ladies. 4. Sheer & transparent looks are here with us to stay! 5. Velvet improvisations - from laser cut to ombre'. 6. Knits all over - full of novelty & pizzazz. 7. New Color Blocks. 8. Fuzzy Poodles. 9. Innovative Prints. 10. Accessorizing with Fun Socks!

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Thought of the Week - Simple Emails

In this age of social media; of Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, many of us forget the importance of a simple email. Email communication is the only way other then calling, to speak personally to your customers. That's your way to let them know of a new collection, a sale or an event. It's the best way to build a relationship one on one that is rare now in these media - noisy days. Do you have a list of customers? If you do, I bet your best sales come from those on the list. Loyal customers love getting emails and updates on how you and the store are doing. Some of you told me that you didn't want to bother...

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Thought of the Week- End of Life

I have been volunteering with Hospice Care for the past 2 years. This month, I lost a dear patient whom I worked with closely for the last 6 months. We just celebrated his 88th birthday. We met because he requested a volunteer who would come and teach him meditation and sit with him. We met weekly. We would check on each other for a few minutes, read something together, reflect on it and then sit together quietly. It was usually an hour visit. Cyril taught me so many things, here are a few: Connection can happen with someone I don't know at all. We can relate to anyone, doesn't matter age, color or religion.(We were opposites in so many ways)....

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Thought of the Week- Meeting in September

Dear community, There are so many changes this coming September! Welcome Studio Atelier NYC, a new show we put together after the original Atelier came to an end this past March. This will be a gathering of over 50 designers offering their Spring/Summer 2018 collections for the opinionated, beautiful, and real woman. I wanted to make sure YOU all come visit us at the show which will be held Sept. 16th - 18th, 2017 at 500 W 36th street (corner of 10th Ave), in the Hudson Mercantile building. We secured 2 floors, 3 security guards, 500 pieces of fruit, 1583 coffee cups and a smashing party - all for you! Go on and register for this "not to be missed"...

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Thought of the Week- Missing Home

Greetings from Israel, Reflecting on things has helped me clear a thought that I have had since being in Israel the last two weeks with family and friends. I'm feeling at home here enjoying a communal vibe that Israelis are so good at sharing while equally feeling the aggression and sometimes violence that is in the air. People honk here all the time, waitresses tell you what you should order from the menu, and strangers will pat a pregnant woman's belly in the supermarket telling her how cute she is without asking her first. It's all common, acceptable, and the norm in Israel. However I love the blend...I love the warmth, and the spontaneous behavior I feel next to the...

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