I was not aware of the phrase Friendsgiving until this year.
Suddenly everyone is having one!
Since I don't have my biological family with me in NY I always celebrated with friends. On the day of, a week before, sometimes with turkey sometimes not.
Living in NY for the last 27 years taught me how important friends are.
They become your family when you are a foreigner.
I am so thankful to NYC for introducing me to the most vibrant, diverse, kind community that has been a family to me and my children all these years.
We keep adding members every year and that makes it all so interesting and happy. And that what makes America so cool. Diverse and colorful. I always feel at home! I hope you all had a good meal and good company this Thanksgiving weekend.
I look forward to developing our friendships this coming year!
Happy Monday,

Thought of the week - Thanksgiving
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