Spring arrives and it brings a new collection from Alembika

We thought it would never end, didn't we? The long winter with its snow and wind, cloudy sky and relentless breeze almost made us forget that there are colors other than grey around us, that there is a sun behind the layers of clouds. It might still technically be winter, but when in a couple of weeks from now the first flower finally blooms, when we start hearing the birds singing again, it will be a sign of renewal, resurrection, a new beginning. Something fresh will slowly arrive. A world – reborn. Bringing life and vital strength, freedom and personal confidence, Alembika always adds her own style into it, carrying independence, confidence and positivity. Whether it is through a fine tulip print, a universal, beloved Polka dot, some lively and confident stripes or the remarkable mix of fabrics, Alembika's Spring/ Summer 2019 is telling you, us, that it loves you – and you should love yourself as well. With this season's collection, Alembika brings us the beloved motifs we are all familiar with, and takes them a major step forward. The Polka Dot that used to be a shy add is now shining bright, with great pride. The stripes that at times were decorative are now center stage. The colors that we have missed so much are now dominant and vibrant. Georgia O'keefe once said “Someone else's vision will never be as good as your own vision of your self. Live and die with it because in the end it’s all you have.” With its Spring/ Summer 2019 collection, Alembika tells us – let loose! Be free and be yourself, you are worth it. Present yourself with pride, respect yourself, it is, after all – ABOUT YOU.

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