Meet us at the Roni Rabl Digital Power Hour - Now DAILY!

Now more than ever is the time to master a new skill, or at least get to learn the basics of it.
Times are changing, at least for a while, it seems.
As we spend more and more time at home, willingly or unwillingly - let us use this challenging period for something positive - something that can help us elevate ourselves and our business to a new level.
The Roni Rabl Digital Power hour is the place for all of us to meet, talk, share experiences and learn together, from the comfort of our home.
Join us on a daily basis for a Zoom meeting, every day at 1PM EST for a new, exciting and fascinating topic, Let us all learn, develop and evolve together!
Stay tuned for more updates about the great designers and innovative retail startups we will be hosting!
Day Date Topic Subject Speaker
Tueday 14 Apr 2020 Social Media Why facebook, Facebook page, Facebook group, Messenger marketing, Facebook ads, Stories, live Alin
Wednesday 15 Apr 2020 Search Engine Why google, google ad words, google shopping, Alin
Thursday 16 Apr 2020 Marketplace email marketing basics Alin
Friday 17 Apr 2020 Online store Why shopify, how to set up a store, apps , uploading products, themes Alin
Monday 20 Apr 2020 Community Catch up Learning from each other what works and what doesnt Yael
Tuesday 21 Apr 2020 Social Media Using groups for marketing
Wednesday 22 Apr 2020 Marketplace TBC Where to spend your money Isaac Rudansky
Thursday 23 Apr 2020 Social Media Now or later? Mark
Friday 24 Apr 2020 Online store Online store round table Alin
Monday 27 Apr 2020 Community Catch up Learning from each other what works and what doesnt Yael
Tuesday 28 Apr 2020 Social Media Instagram 101 Alin
Wednesday 29 Apr 2020 Search Engine Search Engine Optimization SEO Alin
Thursday 30 Apr 2020 Marketplace Thinking flows: new shopper, exisiting shopper
Friday 1 May 2020 Online store Lightspeed demo

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