My Tai Chi teacher said something last week during class that stayed with me.
He said : "Be strong but not stuck. Agile not weak".
I find it so useful and wise. Strong doesn't mean we cannot be flexible. And being flexible is not a weakness.
I will try to practice these traits in my business and my life.
Happy Monday.
Gail from Bellagio sent me the book "Who Moved My Cheese" which we all heard of and many have read already. A very short book that has everything we need to know as business owners about management. I picked it up this weekend and thought how relevant it is for us, now, where we are after a year under COVID. Here is the one sentence from the book that will stay with me as my mantra for the rest of my business life: "If I want to not only survive in the future but stay competitive, I need to constantly change. I need to keep moving my 'cheese'. While in the past we may have wanted loyal employees, today we...
I text my friend Nada today whom many of you know as the owner of The Flying Carp in NJ and asked her how she was doing as I knew it was her last season before closing her store after many years in business. She answered back: "Doing well except for last night when panic decided to attack while I was cleaning up the store. I didn’t know what to do. Call a friend? dial 911? I ate an apple, drank water, and breathed. I called my husband to say I was coming home and my therapist friend. The minute I got her on the phone, I knew what was happening and started to feel better. This is the last...
Dear community, We are excited to announce a new avenue that Alembika will be embarking on soon and because you are, in fact, our community, we feel it is important to keep you informed. We believe, as a company, in transparency and in respecting and honoring our partnerships in business. We also believe that in times of struggle, it is important to show the strength of a brand, to continue more than ever to market and grow the brand not just for ourselves but for our retailers. To instill a true sense of confidence in that, we are here to stay alongside you. On February 18th, 2021, we will be launching This is a joint venture alongside Alembika in...
We all have ways to work with the stress that this past year and Covid brought on us. For me, I dive into work and eat chocolate! Last week I visited my friend Ernesto who is a psychologist and lives by Central Park in NYC. He has a different method to deal with his isolation feeling, living by himself. He takes daily walks to the park and explores it. "Did you know Central Park has 1200 different types of roses?'' he said. And "check this flower" as he showed me all the flower photos on his phone. It was so calming to look at his collection of colors. And what a great reminder of the seasons and how nature can...